Presentations about the adolescent brain.
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A crowd listening to a lecture on the pubescent brain

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10 results
Date Registration
Mon 19 Aug 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: ISK Brunssum
This is a private presentation
Mon 26 Aug 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: De Sprong - School voor Praktijkonderwijs
This is a private presentation
Mon 26 Aug 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: De Sprong - School voor Praktijkonderwijs
This is a private presentation
Mon 9 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Verschilmakers
This is a private presentation
Wed 11 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Haagsche Hogeschool
This is a private presentation
Thu 12 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Universiteit Twente - Lerarenopleiding exact
This is a private presentation
Tue 24 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Stichting Aquila
This is a private presentation
Wed 25 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Landzijde
This is a private presentation
Thu 26 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: Morgencollege
This is a private presentation
Mon 30 Sep 2024
The adolescent brain - a manual
For: GGD Hollands Midden
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